
OBJECTIVEly better continues its crusade against hatred in Serbia


In the past two months we have continued with creating new ideas for expanding project Objectively better and achieving previously set goals such as going out of Novi Sad and putting into work this project in few
more cities in Vojvodina.

By Željko Stanetić from Vojvodinian Civic Centre

Citizens have great reactions on this project and we consider them to be our biggest and strongest support in further
process. On the other hand, communication with city institutions is developing very slowly due to burdensome official procedures. Routine in removing hate speech graffiti still haven been achieved even though we got institutional support for this project. Just removing graffiti isn't the only goal of our activities. Maybe even more important and bigger goal is to encourage citizens to react to hate speech graffiti and local government to recognize this as a problem because they can provoke violence. We succeed to start a public debate about this problem in our local community and to trigger really vibrant and alive discussions about further questions.

Is Novi Sad suitable to be a candidate for European Capital of Culture with hate speech graffiti on its walls? Are they there just because is someone too lazy to over paint them, or they are really acceptable messages?  Are these messages our lifestyle, our reality? How many of these are not just a message but a way of life in Serbia today? Do we
have enough will to deal with them?

We have a plan to make Objectively better through educational platform and to use it for expanding onto more cities in Vojvodina and Serbia. Many people showed true interest in implementing this platform in Belgrade, and we are already working on it. For spring we have a plan to create a big mural in Novi Sad which would symbolically represent
importance and necessity to react to hate speech graffiti, and after that symbolic event to go further.


01/24/2014 - 11:05


Written by dajanovic.damir