
Free/Libre Open Source Software

By Łukasz Jachowicz

FLOSS, free software, open source – we come across these terms more and more often, but we don’t always know what they are about and if we should pay them any attention.

What is “data”?

By Grzegorz Młynarski

The most popular definition of data describes it as everything which is or may be processed by a brain or a computer.

Cleaning the data with OpenRefine

By Tony Hirst from the Open Knowledge Foundation

Whenever you work with a real dataset, it's not uncommon to find that the data doesn't quite work with the tool you're trying to load it into, or it isn't structured in a way that you can conveniently use.


Using Data Visualisations to Support Data Investigations

When working with data, data visualisation techniques can be used in two different ways: - for analysing or making sense of a dataset (visual analysis); - for communicating some particular aspect of the data story (visual presentation).
