
What is “data”?

By Grzegorz Młynarski

The most popular definition of data describes it as everything which is or may be processed by a brain or a computer.

Cleaning the data with OpenRefine

By Tony Hirst from the Open Knowledge Foundation

Whenever you work with a real dataset, it's not uncommon to find that the data doesn't quite work with the tool you're trying to load it into, or it isn't structured in a way that you can conveniently use.


Using Data Visualisations to Support Data Investigations

When working with data, data visualisation techniques can be used in two different ways: - for analysing or making sense of a dataset (visual analysis); - for communicating some particular aspect of the data story (visual presentation).

By Technology To Open Institutions and Accountable Politicians


The Centre for Research, Transparency and Accountability – CRTA from Serbia on a daily basis monitors, supervises and measures the accountability of politicians and transparency of government institutions. All our projects – Truth-o-meter (, Open parliament ( and Map the Money ( represent an online base for creating a community of active and responsible citizens willing to demand politicians’ accountability to their citizens.
