është një platformë online për të promovuar dhe nxitur vullnetarizmin në Kosovë që do shërbej si mekanizëm takimi ndërmjet OJQ’ve dhe vullnetarëve. Këtu do të përfshihen të dhëna të OJQ-ve aktive të kategorizuara në bazë të fushëveprimit të tyre. Kjo do të ndihmoj në përmirësimin e efikasitetit në gjetjen e OJQ-ve të caktuara dhe mundësive për vullnetarë. Për më shumë lexo linkun më poshtë is an online platform which will promote, incentivize and brand volunteerism in Kosovo in addition to serving as a matching mechanism between NGOs and volunteers. ("mu ma nin" is the Albanian equivalent phrase for “I care”) will contain a database of active NGOs categorized according to their scope of work. This will improve the search efficiency of finding a particular NGO and volunteer opportunities published by them that match the interest of people willing to engage in community service. NGOs would also own a virtual space within where they can showcase their projects and success stories; hence, increasing their credibility which automatically enable them to attract more donor funds.


The latest survey conducted by UNDP reveals that almost 80% of young Kosovars are not involved in either youth organizations or youth projects/initiatives. This lack of youth involvement can be attributed to lack of information about volunteerism opportunities and inadequate promotion and incentivization of volunteerism in general. aims at branding volunteerism by promoting and incentivizing volunteer work to alter the attitude of youth towards community service and to increase the number of people engaging in volunteer work. In addition, there is a lack of cooperation between civil society organizations in Kosovo and their constituencies due the insufficient online presence of NGOs which poses a difficultly for citizens to get informed on what the civil society sector is doing. Therefore, will enable the citizens to get informed about organizations that are active since NGOs would be given a virtual space to present themselves. Through, people will be able to sign up for volunteer opportunities very easily thus increasing the potential for cooperation between two groups in different levels. Moreover, we will try to persuade NGOs to offer internship opportunities and certificates of appreciation for the volunteers that have completed projects through


The platform will use the power of modern web design and have a very user friendly interface which will consist of two main important sections. One section will serve for volunteers where they will be able to register and the other section for NGOs where they would be able to create their profile and afterwards own a space within to showcase their activities, promote their projects, publish news, and recruit volunteers. It will be built on the following programing languages HTML, PHP, MySQL Databases by a professional web designer and developer from NGO Project Siyov which will be the partner NGO for the implementation of this project.

Vremenski okvir i ciljevi

Objectives: • Promote, brand, and incentivize volunteerism in Kosovo • Increase awareness about the importance of civic engagement and its benefits • Increase youth involvement in volunteer activities • Provide a website that will serve as a matching tool that can be used by local and international NGOs and volunteers to match with each other • Provide a customized virtual space for NGOs to showcase their work portfolio and establish a database of active NGOs categorized according to their scope of work Measurable indicators: ● Indicator 1: establish a volunteer base of around 100 -150 volunteers who are registered in the website and are active users. ● Indicator 2: establish a solid database consisting of around 300 domestic and international NGOs which are registered in the website and are publishing their activities and seeking volunteers through website. ● Indicator 3: document visually and narratively within first three months after platform launch at least 10 volunteer activities organized by NGOs through utilizing the website to recruit the volunteers. ● Indicator 4: 5000 likes on the official Facebook page within the first 5 months after platform launch ● Indicator 5: At least 5 articles published in the electronic mediums (i.e. Blogs, News Portals, Online Magazines) dedicated to the project and 2-3 potential interviews of the team leaders to be conducted by local or national media (i.e Radio and TV) Budget is emailed at [email protected] due to inability to copy spreadsheets in the application form.

Izgradnja zajednice

We will be using the power of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, YouTube, Vimeo) to promote the platform. In addition to the online campaign, we will organize offline events such as inviting NGO representatives into a round-table where we will pitch the project to them as well as explain how to use the platform so that they can utilize the full potential of After the round table, we will follow up by contacting each NGO individually and request information that will be integrated in the dedicated space for each of them in the web. This information would include video materials, pictures, and description of results from the past activities of NGOs. Further, to attract the youth which is another target group of this project we will use guerrilla marketing through organizing street actions in major municipalities of Kosovo. Flyers, posters, chalk drawings, and t-shirts will be disseminated during the street actions and in universities and high schools.


Our team plans to supervise the project for a long term. Although this is a tool which is meant to be used and maintained by NGOs and volunteers themselves, the team recognizes the need to supervise the website since this mean of communication has not been used in Kosovo before. The financial sustainability of this project is meant to be secured by donors and not by advertising in order to maintain the independence and be void of influence from other parties. The number of volunteers and number of activities that will be organized by NGOs will determine the sustainability of the website. Considering the current trend of volunteer activities and the assumption that the website will help improve this trend by increasing the number of activities, we expect the website to be the main medium of communication and matching tool between volunteers and NGOs for a long period of time in the Kosovar civil society.

Vlasnik projekta

Hana Sahatqija

Doprineli su projektu

Dardan Lajqi, Nora Jusufi, Vigan Kada




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