Sistemi i arsimit të lartë në Kosovë është përplot probleme. Aty përfshihen 49.844 studentë dhe 1.132 instruktorë të ndarë nëpër institucione publike dhe private të arsimit të lartë. Sistemi i arsimit është një rast klasik i mungesës së përgjegjësisë, ku studentët shkojnë në ligjërata dhe provime në të cilat mungojnë profesorët, profesorët e ndajnë kohën mes angazhimeve të shumta profesionale, si dhe mungesa e rishikimit të cilësisë së arsimit që u jepet studentëve. NotoProfesorin kthen tryezën në profesorët duke i dhënë mundësinë studentëve të vlerësojnë profesorët e tyre. Duke ndërtuar një sistem për të vlerësuar cilësinë e mësimdhënies që u ofrohet studentëve, ne shpresojmë të ngritim përgjegjësinë dhe cilësinë e mësimdhënies në sistemin universitar.
System of higher education in Kosovo is fraught with problems. It encompasses 49,844 students and 1,132 instructors split across the public and private higher education institutions. It is a classic case of lack of accountability where students show up to classes and exams with absent professors, professors that split time between way too many professional engagements, and lack of quality review in the educational process provided to students. NotoProfesorin (in Albanian: grade the professor) turns the table on professors by giving the opportunity to students to grade their professors. By building a system to evaluate the quality of teaching provided to students, we hope to build accountability and increase the quality of teaching in the university system.


System of higher education in Kosovo is fraught with problems. It encompasses 49,844 students and 1,132 instructors split across the public and private higher education institutions. It is a classical case of lack of accountability where students show up to classes and exams with absent professors, professors that split time between way too many professional engagements, and lack of quality review in the educational process provided to students. NotoProfesorin (in Albanian: grade the professor) turns the table on professors by giving the opportunity to students to grade their professors. By building a system to evaluate the quality of teaching provided to students, we hope to build accountability and increase the quality of teaching in the university system.


We plan to tackle the problem by building a web platform where students can bring forth the issues they face and rate classes they are provided on the five-star scale. Students and teachers get results - students can recommend best teachers based on punctuality, quality of instructions, clarity and helpfulness and teachers have the opportunity to learn from the process. The system will be built on PHP+MySQL and will be usable both on desktop and mobile.

Timeline & Objektivat

We plan for the platform to be fully operational in three months. By the end of the fifth month users of the platform will have added 70 instructors and 250 reviews. Whenever we can, we will add the instructors ourselves. By the start of the second semester, users will have contributed 500 reviews.

Ndërtimi i komunitetit

A marketing campaign will be staged online and offline in several stages: at launch, at the beginning of the Fall semester, and at the beginning of Spring semester. Social media networks will be used to promote the webpage as well as by placing advertising on news portals and other online media targeting students. At least 10 different media will report on the site at launch. Offline, flyers and posters will be distributed at all universities in Prishtina.


The idea has been tested before and it works. US-based has recieved 15 million student-generated ratings rating 1.8 million professors. Over 4 million students each month use it. Within the Community Boost_r challenges, a similar idea has been built at For long-term self-sustainability, the site may decide to use ads to support minimal hosting costs.

Pronari i Projektit

Arianit Dobroshi

Kontribuesit e projektit

Faton Selishta, Arianit Fazliu




